Young people are
being set up to fail.

Parents: your teenagers are relying on you to lead them. Give them the confidence and skills to thrive in a rapidly changing and uncertain world.

TEDx speaker. 60M+ social media views.


Watch Livi’s TEDx: “What Nobody Tells You About Your Twenties” (550k+ views)

Many of the biggest decisions that leave a long-lasting impact on our lives often occur in our teens and twenties – college, career, marriage, moving out, handling finances, having children, and so on.

In her acclaimed TEDx Talk, Livi Redden explains that a few mindset shifts and some intentional emotional development can eradicate so much of that unease — and help young adults build the joyful, fulfilling future they deserve.


Livi's witty & vulnerable personal growth book all from the perspective of a young adult
writing to fellow young people in a letter-to-a-best-friend format.


Where experts teach young adults what society & the education system don’t. 120+ episodes packed with important lessons with young listeners in 100+ countries.



Get weekly texts from Livi to help you feel seen and motivated, plus exclusive access to podcast guests. Just text the word "growth" to +1 (619) 586-6345. [US & Canada only]

1:1 Teen Mentorship

1:1 Teen Mentorship

Your teens and 20s don't have to be so confusing.

And you don’t have to be a monk, Master Shifu,
or 80 years old to be at peace.

This 1-on-1 mentorship is for the teen who wants to leave behind overwhelm and, instead,
have the confidence to create a life filled with purpose and joy.